If both creditors and debtors are foreigners, is enforcement possible in Korea?

If both creditors and debtors are foreigners, is enforcement possible in Korea?
채권자 채무자가 모두 외국인일 때, 한국에서 집행이 가능할까요

it's possible.

However, the following two requirements are required:
다만 다음 2가지 요건이 필요합니다.

  1. The debtor's property must not have been created temporarily or accidentally in Korea. (That is, it just has to be normal property)

    채무자의 재산이 한국에 임시로, 우연히 생긴것이 아니어야 합니다. (즉 정상적인 재산이기만 하면 됩니다)

  2. Proceeding with legal procedures in Korea must be appropriate for redressing the plaintiff's rights. (It is good if the plaintiff has difficulty in enforcing the law in his/her own country)

    한국에서 법절차를 진행하는게 원고의 권리구제에 적절해야 합니다. (원고가 자기 나라에서 집행하는게 힘든 사정이 있으면 좋습니다)

Precedent case in which a Chinese person filed a suit for loan against a Chinese person in a Korean court: 2016다33752
중국인이 중국인에게 한국법원에서 대여금 청구소송을 한 경우의 판례 : 2016다33752

Are there any legal issues involved?

Should I negotiate with a Korean or initiate a lawsuit in a Korean court? The law firm where the interpreter works is located here. All of these processes can be carried out NON-STOP through a professional Korean lawyer. Contact us for consultation right now. Professional staff will respond kindly.

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